Where does the Territory Government’s revenue come from?

The two main sources of revenue for the Territory Government are Commonwealth revenue (GST, and tied grants) and own-source revenue (mainly taxes and royalties). Commonwealth revenue represents 72% of total revenue to the Territory. Detailed discussion is provided in BP2 Budget Strategy and Outlook on both. See chapters 2, 5 and 6.

Read BP2 Budget Strategy and Outlook PDF (1.3 MB).

BP2 Fiscal outlook

BP2 Chapter 2: Fiscal outlook outlines components of the Territory’s revenue sources and how much the government expects to raise during the budget and forward estimates period (Table 2.6 Non financial public sector – revenue).

Further details of the Territory’s revenue sources can be found in  chapters 5: Commonwealth revenue and 6: Territory taxes and royalties. Chapter 5 provides details on Commonwealth revenue to the Territory in the form of GST revenue and tied Commonwealth payments. Chapter 6 outlines the Territory’s own-source revenue from taxes and royalties, and incorporates estimates, forecasts, new initiatives and a comparison of the Territory’s taxation revenue with other jurisdictions.

BP2, Table 2.6: Non financial public sector – Revenue components

RevisedBudgetForward estimate
  $M $M $M $M $M
Taxation revenue 694 701 710 729 761
GST revenue 3 989 4 208 4 356 4 589 4 830
Current grants 1 485 1 431 1 212 1 234 1 227
Capital grants 382 684 670 475 404
Sales of goods and services 1 128 1 234 1 398 1 440 1 467
Interest income 139 130 131 134 136
Dividend and income tax equivalent income 55 54 51 54 52
Mining royalties 209 218 272 264 287
Other revenue 124 96 95 94 95
Total revenue 8 205 8 756 8 895 9 013 9 259