What infrastructure projects are in the budget?

BP4 The Infrastructure Program

BP4 outlines the government’s infrastructure works planned for the budget year: new and continuing (revoted) capital projects, as well as capital grants and repairs and maintenance. It includes descriptions of projects and the sources of funding for each project, by agency.

  • Capital works are building and engineering works that create an asset, for example, constructing health clinics, roads and public housing.
  • Capital grants are provided to fund construction of or upgrade assets owned, or to be owned once constructed, by non-government entities.
  • Repairs and maintenance works are projects undertaken to maintain existing assets in working condition, keep an asset functioning at its required capacity but not enhance the asset or extend its useful life in a significant way.

The headline figure used to measure the annual infrastructure program is ‘total infrastructure payments’ and is reported in BP4 Table 1.

Read The Infrastructure Program (BP4) PDF (403.4 KB)

BP4, Table 1: Total Infrastructure Payments

2024-25 Budget
  $M $M
General Government 4 417 1 446
Capital works   863
Northern Territory funded   583
Externally funded   193
Capital grants1, 2  241
Repairs and maintenance   18
Infrastructure-related expenses   1 897
Total General Government3  
Public Non Financial Corporations  538
Capital works   
Capital grants   
Repairs and maintenance   143
Total Public Non Financial Corporations3  681
Total Infrastructure Payments3 2 578

1  Excludes payments between Territory-controlled entities.
2  Includes non-cash transfers to local government and non-government entities.
3  Totals may not add due to rounding.